ホーム > 教室規則/Regulations
教室規則 | Regulations

お支払いは、小切手の郵送のみ受け付けます。 すべてのクラスのお月謝も同様とします。
小切手の備考欄に、お子様のお名前、クラス(曜日)をご記入ください。 兄弟姉妹の小切手は一枚の小切手にまとめてお書きください。
小切手は教室で受け取ることができません。 必ず郵送にてお送りください。
3ヶ月以上の欠席の場合は、一度退会して頂きます。 スポットの確保はできません。
下記のPO boxにお月謝、またはスポット確保料が1日に到着していない場合は延滞料金$20を申し受けますのでご注意ください。 5日までにお支払いがない場合には退会となります。 余裕をもって、郵送頂きますよう、お願い申し上げます。
Sakura Japanese Class, LLC
P.O. Box 10506
Honolulu, HI 96816
We will only be accepting monthly tuition mailed by check. Please make sure your child’s name, name of the classes (day of the class, morning or afternoon) is written on the check. If your chid is attending more than one class at Sakura or have siblings attending Sakura, please combine all tuitions from the same household under one check.
We will not accept any other form of tuition payment other than a check mailed to our P.O. Box address. Also, we will not accept any tuition payment at class.
Checks must be sent to our P.O. Box address and received in our hands (not postmarked) by the 1st of the month. Please note that any checks received after the 1st of the month will be charged a $20 late fee. The late fee and tuition must be sent and received by check by 5th of the month. We will dismiss the student from our program if the late fee and tuition are not paid by the 5th of the month. We will charge $40 for any returned (bounce) check.
Please email us the date(s) your child will be absent if you plan to go on vacation in advance. Please pay the entire amount of tuition in advance to avoid the late fee. When going on an extended vacation or leave from our classes (within a 3 month period) all tuition or deposit to keep your child’s spot on our list (50% of monthly tuition)will need to be made by the 1st of the month. If timely payment does not occur, a late fee will be charged. If we do not receive any payments of tuition and/or deposit to keep your child’s spot on our list by the 5th of the month, we will consider this as a voluntary withdrawal of your child from our class. If your child attends more than one class, please pay the full amount of tuition. We cannot keep your child’s spot if you are planning to be absent for more than 3 months. You will need to pay the initial fee if you wish to start the class again.
Please make check payable to:
Sakura Japanese Class, LLC
P.O. Box 10506
Honolulu, HI 96816

当方より該当曜日で受け入れ可能かどうかを確認のうえ、 メールにてご回答いたします。
2.Changing classes / withdrawal from classes
Please email us by the 20th of the previous month if you wish to change the day of your child’s classes, switch classes, withdraw from classes or start a new class for the next month. We will reply regarding the class availability by email.
To re-apply to Sakura Japanese Class, you will need to pay the initial fee of $250 again regardless of situation; this doesn’t apply if student has continued to take at least one class.

お子様の安全を第一に考え、レッスンのクオリティを保持するためです。 なにとぞ、ご理解ください。
3.Replacement Class
In order to secure our students and keep the best quality of class, we do not have the replacement class system.

お子様が歩いて入室することは その日一日をさくら日本語幼児教室で過ごすうえで、大変重要なことです。 赤ちゃんではなく、一人の自立した「小さな人」として尊重しています。 抱っこされたままでの入室や泣いての入室はお控えください。
また、眠っている、機嫌が悪いなどの状態の陰には、体調不良が 潜んでいる可能性があります。 カリキュラムに参加できない状態での入室はお断りしています。
当教室は、日本語を学ぶためのお教室です。 託児施設、幼稚園、プリスクールではありません。 この点をよくご理解ください。
4.Entering to the class
We will not accept students that are dependent on their parents to carry them into the classroom or continuously cry when entering the classroom. It is important for our students to enter the class by themselves with their own will in order to spend a quality time at Sakura Japanese class and to not disrupt the learning atmosphere of the class. Please respect them as a "small independent person".
Sakura Japanese Class is a place to learn the Japanese language. Please note that we are not a daycare center, kindergarten or preschool.
Children should use the restroom or have their diapers changed prior to the class.

幼児の体調は急変しがちです。ちょっとおかしいな、と思ったら 無理に教室に来ず、ご自宅でしっかり様子を見てください。
100F=37.7C 以上の熱や咳、鼻水の場合、教室をお休みください。 他のお子さんへの感染を避けるために、必ず自宅療養するようにしてください。
当教室の病欠からの復帰の条件は 24時間以上、熱と薬なしで過ごしていることです。
また、服薬中に復帰する場合はドクターから "Returning Certificate"や”Dr.'s Notes” (診断書)を頂いて、ご提出ください。
5.Health Condition
In general, children’s health condition can change quickly. Check your child’s condition carefully at home before coming to the class.
Please keep your child at home if he/she has a temperature of more than 100F◦ (37.7C◦), coughs, runny nose or any symptoms.
Please keep your child at home to avoid transmitting sickness to other children. Your child can return to class after they have had a normal temperature more than 24 hours without medication.If the child returns to our class while they are taking medication, please provide doctor’s note.
Sakura Japanese Class is a language class and not a school, nor a daycare or preschool. Therefore, we cannot keep any medication and to provide any medical assistance.
In the event of an emergency, we will contact the parents /guardians. In the case that we could not get a hold of the parents/guardians and it as an emergency, we will make an executive decision to call 911. These emergency expenses will be the responsibility of the child's parents / guardians.

6.In Regards to Communicable Diseases and Injuries
For the sake of classroom's health and safety, students who are exposed to any communicable diseases or injuries are required to present a doctors note upon returning to class.
Communicable Diseases list

いかなる理由であれ、5分以上の遅刻になった場合は、 6分目から毎分$1課金させていただきます。 当日、お迎えの際に、現金でお支払いいただきます。 (5分遅刻=$0 8分遅刻=$3 10分遅刻=$5)
7.Late Pick Up
Please pick up your child no later than 5 minutes from the end of class time. Please note that we will charge a dollar for each minute after 5 minutes has passed from the end of class time. Please pay the late pick up fee by cash at the time when you pick up your child. (5 min late=$0 8 min late=$3 10 min late=$5)
Please call us if you will be late to pick up your child.

カリキュラムの進行を妨げたり、子ども同士の衝突が激しいお子様は 準備ができるまで、一時お休みして頂く場合があります。 この場合のみ、再開される場合には入会金は必要ありません。 ただし、入会金が不要の再入会は、お休みに入ってから3ヶ月以内とさせて頂きます。
繰り返しとなりますが、当教室は日本語教育を提供する場です。 他のお子様の学習意欲・環境を害する状況が生じた場合は 上記のような措置を取らせて頂く場合もあります。 ご理解・ご協力のほどをお願い申し上げます。
8.Behavior/Attitude in the class
If your child is not ready for a class, for example, disturbing the program or attacking other children, we will expel the student from class until he/she is ready.In this case, you will not need to pay initial fee again when he/she returns to the class within three month.
Please understand that we are providing a place to learn the Japanese language. If your child causes any problems to disturb other students, proper action will be taken.

これらの規約、および各プログラムの料金は予告なく変更される場合があります。 随時、最新の情報をこまめにご確認ください。 ご了承ください。
These rules and tuition for classes are subject to change without prior notice. Please check with our staffs or website for updated information. You are welcome to call / email us anytime. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.